Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Appréciez Votre Vie

So, I just realized that I am getting old....er. Whatever. It's my Friday, with a three day weekend in the lineup and I was watching Gomega play at Diamonds Ice Bar and voila! I realized that I'm sleepy and I want to go home. The old me would have manned-up and had a shot of something and partied the night away. Not me now. I know that there will be another party; probably tomorrow night. So, I'm not missing much. So, honey I am home.
 Anywho. I went to Tiki Lounge last night to listen to Kanoa and Ryan play some melodies and had some delightful company. First, Miss Trish Da Dish stopped in for a hot minute to shoot the shit with me. We chatted about some upcoming projects with Rabbitt and The Propers. Excited!
 Then, my old roommate (Brandy) and upstairs neighbor (Adam) stopped in. They were both in an extremely serious car accident last month and are still bandaged and healing. I send them lots of good juju.
 Then, some older guy sat at the table next to me. Reeking of Jack Nicholson familiarity, he told me I looked like Mariah Carey. I was instantly offended because I assumed he meant the pregnant Mariah. Which reminds me - I need to go to the gym. Now, I've encountered many a drunk man - especially in the Triangle, and I have always passed judgement. You do it too, I'm sure. The kinda-drunk older guy by himself. Probably a perv. Keeps on talking and laughing. Creeper. Well, last night changed my mind.
 Kanoa and Ryan took a break and we all headed out to smoke. Well, they smoked, I just watched. And "Jack" came out too (his real name is Louie, but I like Jack). We were talking about where he was from (Canada) and who he was here with (alone) and how long (until Thursday) and how bad smoking is for you (very) and he told me that he had Stage 4 prostate cancer. He was diagnosed earlier last year and went through chemo and radiation. It didn't work and he said "fuck it - I'm just going to enjoy my life". I hadn't noticed the sparse eyebrows and thinned hair (from the chemo) until that point. It truly made me re-think the way I see people. It's SUCH a cliche, but never judge a book by it's cover. I thought Jack was a creeper and it ended up that he was just enjoying what he had left. His life. Regardless how short or long that may be. I personally am hoping for the latter.
 He left before I got a chance to say goodbye. I did tell him that Kanoa and I are singing at Dog and Duck on Wednesday so maybe he'll show up. I'd love to sit and have a drink with him and enjoy life.
 So, for my new friend, Jack (in French):

                                                               Appréciez votre vie. 
                                                                  Enjoy your life. 


1 comment:

Keepin' Track of You Keepin' Track