Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two in One?!?!?!

That's right - two posts in one day. I'm off to a raging start.  ;) I'm sitting here on my microfiber couch with my takeout sushi and America's Funniest Videos on the boob tube.
 Worked the greater part of the day today (I work at Betsey Johnson, in case you didn't know). We got LOTS of awesome jewelry in that I am already obsessed with. Apparently Steven Tyler was hanging around in the shops today too. My mom and I met him about a year ago at Safeway. Pre-rehab. Pretty cool guy. So I started daydreaming and I was thinking how cool it would be if he came in and saw my music note tattoo and asked what instrument I played. I would say that I sang and he would ask me to sing a song (he is, after all, the newest judge on American Idol)... And then I realized, that if something that far-fetched was to ever happen, I don't know what song I would pick to sing! Maybe something from Miss Alicia Keys?! Natalie Williams?! Bill Withers?! Hmmm....I'm gonna have to really think about that one...
 Nine hour work day tomorrow. Hopefully I can make it to the gym before I work. I know I can, it's really just a matter of whether I want to or not. 
 Welp, Kanoa just walked in from his wedding gig tonight. Congrats to the manager of the Kihei Outback restaurant and his beautiful wife and little family!   : ) Time to play catch up with Kanoa on the days activites. He says he has a surprise for me....wonder what it is.   
 Oh- and here's a picture of my mom and Mr. Aerosmith himself at Safeway.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I've heard you sing in Kihei before!You have a killer voice! Great to find your blog via Facebook.

    Love the picture of Steven Tyler with the cereal box! Ha!
    Hope it was a good surprise!
    Take care!


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